AEM to Build Multilingual Websites and Deliver Global Content

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a comprehensive content management system (CMS) developed by Adobe. It serves as a robust web content management solution that empowers organizations to create, manage, and deliver engaging digital experiences across multiple channels.

AEM plays a crucial role in web content management by providing a user-friendly interface for content creation and editing, powerful workflow capabilities for collaboration and approval processes, and seamless integration with other Adobe marketing and analytics tools.


Features and capabilities Multilingual websites

  • Multilingual Support

AEM offers extensive support for multiple languages, allowing organizations to create and manage content in different languages within the same instance. It provides language-specific content variations, enabling efficient translation and localization workflows.

  • Translation Management

 AEM integrates with translation management systems (TMS) and machine translation services, facilitating the translation process. It allows content authors to send content for translation, track translation progress, and import translated content back into the system seamlessly.

  • Localization Workflows

 AEM provides built-in localization workflows that streamline the process of adapting content to specific regions or locales. These workflows automate tasks such as language selection, regional content customization, and formatting adjustments to ensure a consistent and localized user experience.

  • Global Content Delivery

AEM enables the delivery of global content across various channels and devices. It allows content authors to tailor content based on the user's location, language preferences, or other relevant parameters. This personalization helps deliver localized experiences to different regions, improving engagement and conversion rates.

  • Centralized Content Management

AEM provides a centralized repository for managing global content. Content authors can create, edit, and publish content from a single platform, ensuring consistency across different languages and regions. This centralization simplifies content management and reduces duplication efforts.

  • SEO and Metadata Support

AEM offers robust features for managing SEO and metadata for multilingual websites. It allows content authors to optimize content for different languages, set language-specific metadata, and manage language-specific URL structures. This helps improve search engine visibility and enhances the overall user experience.

  • Scalability and Performance

AEM is designed to handle large-scale websites and high traffic volumes. Its architecture supports efficient content delivery across geographically dispersed locations, ensuring optimal performance for global audiences.


Importance of Multilingual Websites and Global Content Delivery


  • Tap into Global Markets

By offering content in multiple languages, you can effectively target and engage with audiences in different countries and regions. This allows you to expand your market reach, attract new customers, and drive business growth in international markets.

  • Enhance User Experience

Providing localized content demonstrates that you value and respect the cultural and linguistic diversity of your audience. When users can access information in their preferred language, they are more likely to have a positive experience on your website, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Increase Engagement

Language plays a significant role in capturing the attention and interest of users. By delivering content in their native language, you can connect with users on a deeper level, make a stronger emotional impact, and foster greater engagement. This can result in increased time spent on your website, higher interaction rates, and improved conversion rates.

  • Build Trust and Credibility

Offering content in local languages establishes trust and credibility with your global audience. Users are more likely to perceive your brand as reliable and authentic when you speak their language and provide information that is culturally relevant. This can lead to stronger brand relationships and increased customer trust.

  • Stay Ahead of Competitors

In many industries, competition is not limited to local markets but extends globally. By embracing multilingual websites and global content delivery, you can gain a competitive advantage by reaching international customers before your competitors do. This positions your brand as a leader in the global marketplace.


Challenges Associated with Managing Multilingual Websites and Global Content Delivery


  • Language Accuracy and Quality

Ensuring accurate translations and maintaining consistent quality across multiple languages can be complex. Translating idioms, cultural nuances, and industry-specific terminology requires expertise to avoid misinterpretations and maintain the intended meaning of the content.

  • Content Localization and Cultural Adaptation

Content needs to be adapted to suit the cultural preferences and sensitivities of different regions. This involves more than just translation, as images, symbols, colors, and even layout may need to be adjusted to resonate with the target audience. It requires a deep understanding of local customs, values, and trends.

  • Workflow Coordination

Managing translation workflows, coordinating with translators or translation agencies, and ensuring timely delivery of translated content can be challenging. It requires effective project management, clear communication, and integration with translation management systems (TMS) to streamline the process.

  • Technical Considerations

Multilingual websites often require handling different character sets, text directionality (e.g., left-to-right or right-to-left languages), and language-specific search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Implementing these technical aspects correctly is crucial to maintain a seamless user experience and maximize visibility in search engine results.

  • Content Updates and Maintenance

As content evolves and requires updates, managing those changes across multiple languages can be time-consuming. Coordinating content modifications, translations, and ensuring consistency across all versions can pose challenges, especially when dealing with a large volume of content.


Language and Localization Support in AEM


  • Language Authoring Capabilities

    • Language-Specific Content Variations: AEM allows content authors to create language-specific variations of content within the same page or component. This enables efficient management of multilingual content without duplicating entire pages or components.
    • Translation Management: AEM integrates with translation management systems (TMS) and machine translation services, simplifying the translation process. Content authors can send content for translation, track translation progress, and import translated content seamlessly into the system.
    • Localization Workflows: AEM provides pre-built localization workflows that automate the process of adapting content to specific locales or regions. These workflows streamline tasks such as language selection, regional content customization, and formatting adjustments, ensuring a consistent localized user experience.


  • Easy Creation and Management of Multilingual Content Components and Assets

    • Content Templates and Structure: AEM allows content authors to create content templates that support multiple languages. These templates define the structure and layout of pages and components, making it easy to maintain consistency across different language versions.
    • Language Copy: AEM provides a "Language Copy" feature that enables content authors to create copies of existing content for different languages. This simplifies the creation of multilingual content by allowing authors to use existing content as a reference and adapt it to the target language.
    • Asset Localization: AEM allows for the localization of digital assets such as images, videos, and documents. Content authors can associate language-specific versions of assets, making it easy to manage and deliver localized assets to the appropriate language versions of the website.
    • Translation Projects: AEM enables the creation of translation projects, where content authors can select specific content to be translated, define target languages, and manage the translation process efficiently. This streamlines the creation and management of multilingual content.


  • Language and SEO Considerations

    • Language-specific Metadata: AEM allows content authors to define language-specific metadata for improved SEO and localization. This includes language-specific titles, descriptions, and keywords that optimize content visibility in search engine results.
    • Language-Specific URL Structures: AEM supports language-specific URL structures, allowing content authors to create URLs that reflect the language and locale of the content. This enhances SEO and provides a consistent user experience for visitors navigating the multilingual website.


Content Translation and Localization Workflow


  • Content Selection: Content authors select the content that needs to be translated. This can include entire pages, specific components, or individual assets.


  • Translation Project Creation: AEM allows content authors to create translation projects. In the translation project, authors specify the target languages for translation and define the scope of the project.


  • Export and Preparation: The selected content is exported from AEM in a format compatible with the chosen translation management system (TMS) or machine translation service. The content is prepared for translation, including the extraction of translatable text and associated metadata.


  • Translation Submission: The prepared content is sent to the TMS or machine translation service for translation. AEM integrates with various TMS platforms and machine translation services, allowing for seamless submission of content for translation.


  • Translation Progress Tracking: AEM enables content authors to track the progress of translations within the system. They can monitor the status of translations, view completion percentages, and receive notifications when translations are ready.


  • Translation Import: Once the translations are complete, the translated content is imported back into AEM. AEM's integration capabilities facilitate the import of translated content, maintaining the structure and formatting of the original content.


  • Review and Localization: Content authors review the imported translations for accuracy and ensure proper localization. They can make any necessary adjustments or edits to the localized content to ensure cultural appropriateness and linguistic fluency.


  • Publish and Delivery: Once the localized content is reviewed and finalized, it can be published and delivered to the appropriate language versions of the website or other digital channels. AEM's content delivery capabilities ensure seamless delivery of localized content to the target audience.


Integration Capabilities of AEM with TMS and Machine Translation Services


1. TMS Integration: AEM can integrate with popular TMS platforms, enabling content authors to seamlessly send content for translation, track translation progress, and import translated content back into AEM. This integration eliminates the need for manual content transfers and improves efficiency.


2. Machine Translation Services: AEM can also integrate with machine translation services such as Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, or custom machine translation engines. This integration enables quick and automated translation of content, especially for large volumes of content or when real-time translation is required.


Benefits of Streamlining the Translation and Localization Process within AEM

Streamlining the translation and localization process within AEM offers several benefits

  • Efficiency and Time Savings: Integrating AEM with TMS or machine translation services automates content transfer and translation processes, reducing manual effort and saving time. Content authors can focus on reviewing and refining translations rather than managing complex translation workflows.


  • Consistency and Accuracy: AEM's integration ensures that translated content is imported back into the system accurately, maintaining the structure, formatting, and metadata of the original content. This ensures consistency and accuracy across different language versions of the website.


  • Collaboration and Visibility: AEM's translation and localization workflow allows for seamless collaboration between content authors and translators. Content authors can track translation progress, communicate with translators, and review translations within the system, providing visibility and control over the translation process.


  • Cost-Effectiveness: Streamlining the translation process within AEM reduces the potential for errors and rework, resulting in cost savings. Efficient translation management and integration with machine translation services can also lower translation costs, especially for large volumes of content.


  • Scalability: AEM's integration capabilities support scalability, allowing organizations to


Managing Global Content Delivery


  • Multi-Channel Content Delivery: AEM allows content authors to create and manage content that can be delivered across different channels, including websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, email, and more. This ensures consistent messaging and brand experience across various touchpoints.


  • Responsive Design and Adaptive Layouts: AEM supports responsive design principles, enabling content to automatically adapt and optimize its layout for different devices and screen sizes. This ensures a seamless user experience regardless of whether the content is accessed from a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile device.


  • Content Targeting and Personalization: AEM's content targeting and personalization features allow organizations to deliver localized experiences to different regions. Content authors can define rules and segments based on user demographics, behavior, location, or other criteria, ensuring that users receive relevant and personalized content in their preferred language.


  • Language-Based Content Delivery: AEM enables language-based content delivery, allowing users to view content in their preferred language based on their browser settings or explicit language selection. This feature ensures that users are presented with the appropriate language version of the content, enhancing their experience and engagement.


  • Global CDN Integration: AEM seamlessly integrates with global content delivery networks (CDNs) to optimize content delivery across geographically dispersed locations. By caching and serving content from servers closer to the user, AEM improves website performance and reduces latency, ensuring a fast and reliable experience for global audiences.


  • Website Performance Optimization: AEM emphasizes the importance of optimizing website performance and load times for global audiences. It provides tools and best practices to optimize assets, implement caching strategies, and minimize network requests. This helps ensure that content loads quickly, especially for users accessing the website from distant locations.


  • Global Site Management: AEM's global site management capabilities enable organizations to efficiently manage multiple language versions of their websites. It provides a centralized interface to create, edit, and publish content across different regions, ensuring consistency while allowing for localized customization.


Best Practices for Building Multilingual Websites with AEM


  • Plan and Structure Content

Create a clear content strategy and structure that supports multiple languages. Use content templates and components to ensure consistency and streamline the translation process.

Plan for scalability and future language additions by designing a flexible content architecture that can accommodate new languages easily.


  • Language-Specific SEO and Metadata

Optimize your website for language-specific search engine optimization (SEO). Research keywords and phrases for each target language and incorporate them into metadata, page titles, headings, and content.

Customize metadata fields in AEM to allow language-specific entries. This will improve search visibility and ensure that the right metadata is displayed for each language version.


  • URL Structures and Language Identification

Implement language-specific URL structures that indicate the language and region of the content. This helps search engines and users understand the language version of the page.

Use language codes or country codes in the URL, such as /en-us/ for English-US or /fr-fr/ for French-France.


  • Translation and Localization Workflow

Streamline the translation process by integrating AEM with a translation management system (TMS) or machine translation service. This simplifies content transfer, tracking, and import of translations.

Leverage AEM's translation project and language copy features to manage translation workflows efficiently. Provide clear instructions and context to translators to ensure accurate and culturally appropriate translations.


  • Content Review and Localization

Involve native speakers and local experts in the content review process to ensure accuracy and cultural relevance. This helps avoid linguistic errors, misinterpretations, and cultural insensitivities.

Adapt content to suit local preferences and customs. Consider factors like idiomatic expressions, cultural references, and localized images to provide an authentic experience for each language version.


  • Consistency in Branding and Messaging

Develop style guides and brand guidelines that account for language-specific variations. This ensures consistent branding elements across different language versions.

Maintain consistency in messaging while allowing for cultural adaptation. Balance the need for consistent brand messaging with the requirement to tailor content to specific language and cultural contexts.


  • Test and Optimize Performance

Regularly test the performance of your multilingual website, especially for users accessing it from different regions. Monitor page load times, server response times, and optimize assets for faster delivery.

Leverage AEM's integration with global content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve content delivery speed and reduce latency for users in different locations.


  • User Feedback and Iteration

Encourage user feedback and monitor user behavior to identify areas for improvement. Analyze user interactions, conversion rates, and feedback to refine and enhance the multilingual user experience over time.


Real-world Examples and Success Stories


Marriott International

Marriott International, a leading hospitality company, uses Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to manage their multilingual websites and deliver global content. With AEM, Marriott has been able to provide personalized and localized experiences to their international customers. They have seen significant improvements in user engagement, increased conversions, and expanded market reach by tailoring their content to specific languages and regions. AEM's content targeting and personalization features have played a crucial role in delivering relevant content to their global audience.



Siemens, a multinational conglomerate, relies on AEM to build and manage their multilingual websites. AEM's language authoring capabilities and integration with translation management systems have streamlined Siemens' translation process. By leveraging AEM's features for content targeting and personalization, Siemens has successfully delivered localized experiences to their global customer base, resulting in increased user engagement and improved conversions. AEM's scalability and flexibility have allowed Siemens to efficiently manage content across multiple languages, ensuring consistency in branding and messaging.



Philips, a global healthcare technology company, has used AEM to build and deliver multilingual websites to reach their diverse customer base. AEM's localization workflows and translation management features have enabled Philips to efficiently adapt and translate content for different regions. By providing localized experiences through AEM, Philips has achieved higher user engagement and increased conversions. AEM's global site management capabilities have allowed Philips to maintain brand consistency while catering to specific language and cultural requirements.



AEM is a powerful web content management system that provides features and capabilities specifically designed for managing multilingual websites and global content delivery.

Catering to a multilingual audience and expanding reach globally is crucial for organizations to improve user experience, increase engagement, and drive conversions.

AEM supports multiple languages and provides localization features, including language authoring capabilities, translation management, and localization workflows.

AEM enables the easy creation and management of multilingual content components and assets, ensuring efficient content translation and localization.

AEM integrates with translation management systems (TMS) and machine translation services, streamlining the translation and localization workflow and providing benefits such as efficiency, consistency, and cost-effectiveness.

AEM facilitates the delivery of global content across various channels and devices through features like responsive design, content targeting, personalization, and global CDN integration.

Best practices for building multilingual websites with AEM include planning and structuring content, implementing language-specific SEO and URL structures, maintaining consistency in branding and messaging, and optimizing website performance for global audiences.

Real-world examples and success stories from organizations like Marriott International, Siemens, Philips, and Volkswagen highlight the benefits of using AEM, such as improved user engagement, increased conversions, and expanded market reach.